Thursday, October 8, 2015

Looking ahead to another adventure in the Valley of the Sun

It is only October 8th but after 2 rainy days my thoughts are shifting to our next adventure in Arizona.  Dana and I will return to Arizona in January, 2016.  This will be our 7th winter visit to Arizona and our 6th to the Valley of the Sun.  Wow!  7 years.

The background photo for the 2016 blog is an Acorn Woodpecker.  This particular bird was observed and photographed at Madera Canyon, one of our favourite birding hotspots in Arizona.  The Acorn Woodpecker is only one of 191 species of birds that we observed during our near 3 month stay in Az. in 2015.  If I had better blog development skills the 5 Striped Sparrow would have been the star bird on our blog home page.  Observing and photographing the 5 Striped Sparrow was a highlight of our birding adventures in 2015.  In order to observe this species we had to travel on rough roads to California Gulch in the Pajaritos Mountains of southern Arizona, very near the Mexican border.  That was an adventure unto itself and a story for another day, or perhaps never....

We are very much looking forward to our 2016 adventure.  I will attempt to blog often and share with you what we see and do.  Birds will no doubt be prominent but this year  we hope to do a bit more hiking.  I have been working on my landscape photography so maybe I will post a few non-bird photos to go along with the many bird photos that will make it into the blog.

I'm looking forward to bringing you along with us on our 7th winter adventure in Arizona.  Yes, we are keeping the dream alive!

In closing, I have included a link to a slide show I put together of mainly landscape photos from our recent hikes on trails near Mt Baker in the North Cascade Mountains.  Check it out by clicking on this link.  Enjoy!

Hiking trails near Mt Baker Fall 2015

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